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Figure S3.T cells from CithFib-immunized DR4-IE tg mice can induce arthritis after transfer to naive DR4-IE tg hosts that received intraarticular injection of CithFib. Arthritis was monitored by caliper measurements after intraperitoneal injection of T cells and intraarticular injection of the following antigens: CithFib (closed circle; n = 11); hFib (open circle; n = 5); CitmFib (closed triangle; n = 5); mFib (open triangle; n = 5), or BSA (closed box; n = 5). Note that arthritis was only induced after intraarticular injection of CithFib. This suggests that a multistep process is necessary for arthritis induction, requiring both a T cell response and the presence of the citrullinated antigen within the joint. Data represents the mean (± the SEM). *, P < 0.05, Student’s t test.