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Figure S4.HLA-DR–restricted immune response to FibαR84Cit in DR4-IE tg mice immunized with CithFib (day 70). Splenocytes were cultured with different concentrations of FibαR84Cit, Fibα 79–91, or 10 µg/ml of each peptide in the presence of 1 µg/ml anti-DR antibody (BD Biosciences) as described previously (Hill, J.A., S. Southwood, A. Sette, A.M. Jevnikar, D.A. Bell, and E. Cairns. 2003. J. Immunol. 171:538–541). Results are presented as stimulation indexes and represent the mean proliferative response of six mice ± the SEM. See Materials and methods for further details on T cell culture.