SOS Induction by Stabilized Topoisomerase IA Cleavage Complex Occurs via the RecBCD Pathway
J. Bacteriol. Sutherland et al. 190: 3399 Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Fig. S1A, SDS-gel electrophoresis of total cellular proteins after induction of wild-type YTOP or YTOP128—Western blot.
PDF document, 120K. - Supplemental file 2 - Fig. S1B, SDS-gel electrophoresis of total cellular proteins after induction of wild-type YTOP or YTOP128—Coomassie-stained gel.
PDF document, 256K. - Supplemental file 4 - Table S1, strain table.
PDF document, 56K. - Supplemental file 3 - Legend to Fig. S1.
Zipped MS Word document, 3K.