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Figure S5. PERG is severely impaired early in DBA/2J glaucoma. (A) To control for a possible influence of iris disease, PERG was measured for C57BL/6J-Tyrp1b.GpnmbR150X mice that develop the same iris disease as DBA/2J mice, but are resistant to high IOP and glaucoma (Anderson et al., 2006). PERG is within the normal range in these mice both prior to iris disease and when iris disease is severe. Therefore, iris disease does not affect PERG. Number of eyes tested: 22 (pre-iris disease), 27 (severe iris disease). (B) PERG is significantly reduced in DBA/2J glaucoma, prior to any significant axon loss. Number of eyes tested: 16 (D2-Gpnmb+), 17 (DBA/2J with no or early glaucoma), 6 (DBA2J with moderate glaucoma), and 14 (DBA/2J with severe glaucoma).