#NEXUS [File saved Sat Jun 30 17:14:41 2007] BEGIN TAXA; DIMENSIONS NTAX = 46; TAXLABELS PpPIP1.1 PpPIP1.2 PpPIP1.3 PpPIP2.1 PpPIP3.1 PpPIP2.2 PpPIP2.3 PpPIP2.4 PpTIP6.3 PpTIP6.4 PpTIP6.2 PpTIP6.1 PpNIP5.2 PpNIP5.3 PpNIP5.1 PpNIP3.1 PpNIP6.1 PpSIP1.2 PpSIP1.1 PpGIP1.1 AJ005078 AF275315 EF469912.1 AB114829 AJ314583 AY573927.1 NM_173937 PpXIP1.2 PpXIP1.1 DN837617 AM455454.1 AM455454.2 PopTricho_829126 BT014197 DY275505 CO092422 CK295158 EG656577 PopTricho_557139 PopTricho_767334 PopTricho_759781 PopTricho_821124 EG666650 CK746370DT60037 DR936893DT742029 XM_639170.1 ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN TREES; [!>Data file = 070531Pp31o32noPartnoTerm.nex>Bootstrap method with heuristic search:> Number of bootstrap replicates = 100> Starting seed = 1777421243> Optimality criterion = parsimony> Character-status summary:> Of 257 total characters:> All characters are of type 'unord'> All characters have equal weight> 11 characters are constant> 17 variable characters are parsimony-uninformative> Number of parsimony-informative characters = 229> Gaps are treated as "missing"> Starting tree(s) obtained via stepwise addition> Addition sequence: simple (reference taxon = PpPIP1.1)> Number of trees held at each step during stepwise addition = 1> Branch-swapping algorithm: tree-bisection-reconnection (TBR)> Steepest descent option not in effect> Initial 'MaxTrees' setting = 100 (will be auto-increased by 100)> Branches collapsed (creating polytomies) if maximum branch length is zero> 'MulTrees' option in effect> Topological constraints not enforced> Trees are unrooted>> 100 bootstrap replicates completed> Time used = 00:07:59.2] TRANSLATE 1 PpPIP1.1, 2 PpPIP1.2 , 3 PpPIP1.3 , 4 PpPIP2.1 , 5 PpPIP3.1 , 6 PpPIP2.2 , 7 PpPIP2.3 , 8 PpPIP2.4 , 9 PpTIP6.3 , 10 PpTIP6.4 , 11 PpTIP6.2 , 12 PpTIP6.1 , 13 PpNIP5.2 , 14 PpNIP5.3 , 15 PpNIP5.1 , 16 PpNIP3.1 , 17 PpNIP6.1 , 18 PpSIP1.2 , 19 PpSIP1.1 , 20 PpGIP1.1, 21 AJ005078 , 22 AF275315 , 23 EF469912.1, 24 AB114829 , 25 AJ314583 , 26 AY573927.1, 27 NM_173937, 28 PpXIP1.2 , 29 PpXIP1.1 , 30 DN837617 , 31 AM455454.1 , 32 AM455454.2 , 33 PopTricho_829126, 34 BT014197 , 35 DY275505 , 36 CO092422 , 37 CK295158 , 38 EG656577 , 39 PopTricho_557139, 40 PopTricho_767334, 41 PopTricho_759781, 42 PopTricho_821124, 43 EG666650 , 44 CK746370DT60037 , 45 DR936893DT742029 , 46 XM_639170.1 ; TREE * PAUP_1= (20,(((5,((3,(1,2)),(8,(7,(4,6))))),((12,(11,(9,10))),(21,24,25,(22,23)))),(17,(16,(13,(14,15)))),(26,27),(28,29,(30,46),((32,(31,45,(35,(40,(41,(33,39)))),(34,37),(36,(38,42)))),(43,44)))),(18,19)); ENDBLOCK;