Index of Online Supplemental Material for
J. Cell Biol. 10.1083/jcb.200803096
Albertson et al.

Figure S1 Syt-GFP marks vesicular structures in various cell types and developmental time points.

Figure S2 Plasma membrane expansion during cycle 14 in living WT and pbl embryos.

Video 1 Syt-GFP–tagged vesicles are targeted to cleavage furrows during cytokinesis.

Video 2 Actin puncta are targeted to ingressing cleavage furrows in WT embryos.

Video 3 Actin and vesicle recruitment to ingressing furrows in WT embryo.

Video 4 Actin and vesicle recruitment to ingressing furrows in Pbl-deficient cell with strong furrowing defect.

Video 5 Actin and vesicle recruitment to ingressing furrows in Pbl-deficient cell with weak furrowing defect.

Video 6 Mitotic spindle dynamics in WT embryo.

Video 7 Mitotic spindle dynamics in pbl embryo.

Video 8 3D imaging of α-tubulin and actin dynamics in WT embryo.

Video 9 3D imaging of α-tubulin and Dah dynamics in WT embryo.