Supplementary material for Danker et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (23), 13530-13535.
QuickTime VideoMovie 1.
Nuclear hourglass technique. This movie shows the measurement of nuclear envelope electrical resistance by means of the nuclear hourglass technique. The nucleus was isolated from a Xenopus laevis oocyte before introduction into the capillary. It is now moved into the tapered part of the capillary by a gentle fluid movement. Electrodes are positioned at the ends of the capillary that drive an electrical current through the capillary and measure the voltage drop. From current and voltage, the electrical resistance is calculated online and displayed in the lower part of the movie. Single measurements like the one shown here can be repeated as often as desired with the same nucleus, and the buffered fluid in the capillary can be exchanged between measurements.