Supplementary material for Littlefield et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (24), 13668-13673.
Table 1.
Structure determination and refinementData statistics | Refinement statistics | ||
Space group | I 213 | Resolution, Å | 20.02.4 (2.492.40) |
Cell dimensions | a = 174.2 Å | Reflections [work/free] | 30,475/3323 (2920/302) |
Resolution, Å | 28.22.4 (2.522.4) | R factor, % | 20.6 (30.0) |
Observed reflections | 175,841 (20,584) | Free R factor, % | 24.6 (34.3) |
Unique reflections | 33,982 (4929) | rms bond length, Å | 0.012 |
Completeness, % | 99.2 (99.4) | rms bond angle, ° | 1.58 |
R sym,* % | 6.8 (32.9) | rms B factor, Å2 | 3.38 |
I /s | 7.3 (1.4) | Total solvent molecules | 180 |
| Ramachandran plot residue statistics | Favored regions: 91.3%Allowed regions: 8.7% Disallowed regions: 0% |
Numbers in parentheses show the statistics for the final resolution bin.
*Rsym = Sh |I - <I>|h /S Ih, calculated for all data Ih, where <I>h is the average intensity over Friedel and symmetry equivalents of Ih.
R factor = Sh ||Fo| - |Fc||h / Sh |Fo|h, where |Fo|h and |Fc|h are the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes for the hth unique reflection.
Calculated with 10% of the reflections randomly excluded from refinement.