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Figure S2. Roles of APC/C activators in the progression of meiosis. (A) The population of slp1 mutant cells that underwent two meiotic divisions. Meiotic divisions were monitored by monitoring spindle dynamics in individual cells. (B) Phase duration of wild-type cells at MI and those of slp1 mutant cells that underwent a single meiotic division. Reduction of the Slp1 activity by slp1-362 mutation or by repression of Slp1 using the mitosis-specific rad21 promoter (Prad21-slp1) greatly delayed anaphase onset at MI, causing a metaphase time longer than the total time of normal meiosis (B), and eliminated the second meiotic division (A). This indicates that Slp1 plays a crucial role in meiotic anaphase. Fzr1 depletion in the slp1 mutant cells further delayed anaphase onset, which indicates that Fzr1 functions independently of Slp1 (slp1-362 fzr1). Activation of the SAC mutation induced additive delay in anaphase initiation, as shown by extension of phase II by the rec12 mutation (rec12 slp1-362) and elimination of the extension by the mad2 mutation (rec12 slp1-362 mad2). This indicates that the SAC is effective in the slp1 mutant. (C) Duration of the spindle phases in fzr1 mutants. (D) Duration of MI, MII, and the MI–MII interval. P-values were obtained by t test. Error bars indicate standard deviation.