Current Position: Medical Writer for Ilacqua, Di Bona & Associates in Malvern, PA
Education: Ph.D. in Neuroscience (2007) from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Non-scientific Interests: Knitting, running, breast cancer fundraising
I was born and raised in northeastern Ohio, where my parents told me I could be whatever I wanted to be and succeed in any chosen career, and I believed them. So I went off to college and got my B.A. from Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota (majoring in Neuroscience, Psychology and German Studies), and then worked for a year with Dr. Alvin Beitz at the University of Minnesota studying the molecules involved in osteolytic cancer pain. This piqued my interest in biomedical research, and so (after bumming around Ireland for a few months) I headed to the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine to pursue a Ph.D. in Neuroscience. In particular, I wanted to focus my work on understanding human diseases, and decided that molecular genetic approaches in Drosophila could provide valuable insights; hence I joined the lab of Nancy Bonini. Here I developed a model for SOD1-associated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease with a clear genetic component, but little concrete understanding of the mechanisms. During my years in the lab, I took the opportunity to edit the manuscripts and grant applications of my colleagues and found that I really enjoyed the synthesis of scientific knowledge, understanding, and communication, and so upon completing my Ph.D., I began writing for Ilacqua, Di Bona & Associates, where today I focus on mechanisms of epilepsy and seizure therapeutics.
Read Dr. Watson's article on page 24972.
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