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Figure S3. Incubation of OPC-DRG cocultures with lentivirus results in the preferential infection of OPC over neurons. Purified OPC (105 per culture) were seeded onto established DRG neuronal cultures. The next day, cultures were incubated for 48 h with a 1:3 dilution of lentivirus supernatant expressing shRNA against MLC (shMLC), a nontargeting sequence (shSCR), or vector alone (not depicted). Viruses were removed after 48 h, and cultures were switched to myelination-promoting media. Cocultures were stained for neurofilament (blue), Olig2 (red), and GFP(green). Strong GFP expression and hence lentiviral infection was detected mainly in OPC but not in neurons. Several examples of infected OPC (Olig2+) are indicated (arrowheads). Bar, 50 µm.