Bacterial Community in the Crop of the Hoatzin, a Neotropical Folivorous Flying Bird
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Godoy-Vitorino et al. 74: 5905
Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Neighbor-joining tree of the 1,235 hoatzin crop bacterial 16S rRNA sequences (Fig. S1); distribution of bacterial phyla in digestive organs of selected animals (Fig. S2); percentage of unique and shared OTUs among the six hoatzin crops (Fig. S3).
Zipped MS Word document, 221K. - Supplemental file 2 - Hugenholtz taxonomic classification of crop bacteria and best-match descriptions for all OTUs (Table S1).
Zipped PDF file, 36K.