Blood, Vol. 112, Issue 10, 4308-4313, November 15, 2008

hem6: an ENU-induced recessive hypochromic microcytic anemia mutation in the mouse
Blood Tian et al. 112: 4308

Supplemental materials for: Tian et al

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Table S1. Body weights and organ to body weight ratios in hem6 and control animals (PDF, 20.2 KB) -
    Body weights (g) and organ to body weight ratios (mg/g) for 129B6N2F1-+/+ and −hem6/hem6 animals at 4 and 24 weeks of age. Values are presented as the mean ± 1 standard deviation. Statistical significance values (P) are reported for the two-tailed Student’s t test.

  • Table S2. Serum iron parameters and tissue iron stores (PDF, 18.2 KB) -
    Serum iron parameters and tissue non-heme iron stores were measured for 129B6N2F1-+/+ and −hem6/hem6 animals at 4 and 24 weeks of age. Values are presented as the mean ± 1 standard deviation. Statistical significance values (P) are reported for the two-tailed Student’s t test. TIBC = total iron binding concentration. Total spleen iron = spleen weight (g) × spleen iron (µg/g). Conversion of serum iron and TIBC to SI units, × 0.179 to achieve units in µM.

  • Table S3. Hematologic parameters of hem6 fetal liver hematopoietic stem cell transplant chimeras (PDF, 51.1 KB) -
    Complete blood counts and red blood cell ratios of zinc protoporphyrin to heme (ZnPP/H) were determined in fetal liver transplant chimeras at 12 weeks after transplantation. Donor → recipient phenotype. Values are presented as the mean ± 1 standard deviation. Statistical significance values (P) are reported for the two-tailed Student’s t test. The apparent erythrocytosis in the + → hem6 compared to + → + chimeras is uncertain, but may represent a component of persistence of host hematopoiesis. Conversion to SI units is as follows: WBCs, Abs retic, and platelets, × 106 to achieve units in × 109/L; RBCs, × 106 to achieve units expressed in × 1012/L; hemoglobin and hematocrit, × 10 to achieve units in g/L.

  • Table S4. Hematologic parameters and fluorocyte analyses of hem6 × fechm1Pas intercross animals (PDF, 22.1 KB) -
    Complete blood counts and fluorocytes were determined in hem6 × fechm1Pas animals at 8 weeks of age. Values are presented as the mean ± 1 standard deviation. Conversion to SI units is as follows: WBCs, Abs retic, and platelets, × 106 to achieve units in × 109/L; RBCs, × 106 to achieve units expressed in , × 1012/L; hemoglobin and hematocrit, × 10 to achieve units in g/L.

  • Figure S1. The hem6 defect in heme biosynthesis cannot be corrected by Fe-SIH (JPG, 20.3 KB) -
    The ratio of heme iron to whole cell iron in six independent experiments using 55Fe2-Tf or 55Fe-SIH as the iron donor. hem6 or control reticulocytes were treated with either 55Fe2-Tf or Fe-SIH at the indicated concentrations. The hem6 reticulocytes were consistently ~50% as efficient as controls in incorporating iron into heme. Although Fe-SIH dramatically increased the non-heme iron level in both control and hem6 reticulocytes (not shown), the additional iron did not promote heme formation in either genotype.