Documentation for use of 'Initiate.m' and 'calcMI.m' for the purposes of calculating mutual information for a sigmoidal reaction norm. Authors: Lisa E. Schwanz and Stephen R. Proulx Electronic supplentary material for 'Mutual information reveals variation in temperature-dependent sex determination in response to environmental fluctuation, lifespan and selection' by Schwanz, L.E. and Proulx, S.R. The user must have MATLAB (including the symbolic logic toolbox) to employ this code. The code within these files was written for MATLAB v.7.1.0, Release 14. Steps: 1. Download and save the MATLAB '.m' files ('Initiate.m' and 'calcMI.m') into a single directory. 2. Open 'Initiate.m' in a text editor (e.g. MATLAB Editor or Notepad) and enter values for: T_glob Var_glob Var_ann g1 (0.0001 < g1 < 0.9999) g2 (0.0001 < g2 < 0.9999) g3 g4 (g5 > 1 x 10^-10) The file contains preliminary values that may be changed to explore alternative reaction norms. 3. Open MATLAB and set the 'current directory' (open field at top of MATLAB window) to be the directory that contains the two '.m' files. 4. At the MATLAB prompt, enter Initiate() 5. MATLAB provides the 'MI', the raw mutual information value (range 0 - ln(2)), and 'scaledMI', which is MI scaled to range from 0 to 1. 'scaledMI' is the value for comparison with the published article. Note: For error messages that say 'Warning: Log of Zero', widen Var_glob and/or Var_ann, or modify boundaries in quad functions in 'calcMI.m' Note: An alternative method for calculating mutual information (raw MI) is to call the 'calcMI' function directly in MATLAB: 1. Open MATLAB and set the 'current directory' (open field at top of MATLAB window) to be the directory that contains the two '.m' files. 2. At the MATLAB command promt, specify values for T_glob Var_glob Var_ann 3. Call the 'calcMI' function and specify an array containing a developmental temperature (serves as a place holder only) and the four reaction norm components: calcMI([22 g1 g2 g3 g4]) For example: calcMI([22 0.9999 0.0001 21.5 0.0001])