Trimeric Autotransporters of Haemophilus parasuis: Generation of an Extensive Passenger Domain Repertoire Specific for Pathogenic Strains
J. Bacteriol. Pina et al. 191: 576
Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Fig. S1, vtaA gene sequence alignments.
PDF file, 28K. - Supplemental file 2 - Fig. S2, 3D models of YadA translocator domains of H. parasuis.
Zipped PDF file, 85K. - Supplemental file 3 - Fig. S3, architecture of VtaA homologues.
Zipped PDF file, 67K. - Supplemental file 4 - Fig. S4, YadA domain phylogeny.
Zipped PDF file, 26K. - Supplemental file 5 - Table S1, BlastP results for VtaA N-terminal Hep_Hag and HIM repeats.
Zipped PDF file, 38K. - Supplemental file 6 - Table S2, microarray results for H. parasuis Nagasaki vtaA genes.
Zipped PDF file, 63K.