Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF) Inactivation Leads to Defects in Islet Cell Lineage Allocation and β-Cell Proliferation during Embryogenesis
Mol Endocrinol Crawford et al. 23: 324 Supplemental Data
Supplemental Data
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental Figure 1 - CTGF is re-expressed in islets of pregnant females
CTGF was not expressed in the islets (outline) of adult pancreata (A and B). CTGF was re-expressed in the endocrine tissue of pregnant females (C and D). Induction of CTGF expression during pregnancy was detected with a CTGF antibody (A and C) and X-gal staining of CTGFlacZ pancreata (B and D). CTGF expression was always observed in blood vessels of the adult pancreas (arrowheads). - Supplemental Figure 2 - CTGF null islets resemble HNF6 transgenic islets at e18.5
Insulin (green) and glucagon (red) labeling of e18.5 endocrine clusters. (A) HNF6 transgenic (Tg) islets had large glucagon clusters very similar to those observed in CTGF null animals (B) at the same age. - Supplemental Figure 3 - Decreased membrane-localized β-catenin following CTGF inactivation.
(A) Immunolabeling at e18.5 revealed mildly reduced levels of β-catenin at the cell surface in CTGF+/- embryos, and dramatically reduced levels in CTGF-/- embryos compared to WT. (B) However, western blot analysis of β-catenin at the same stage showed no differences in total protein levels between WT and CTGF mutant animals. Arrowhead indicates band quantitated for densitometry (C). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.