Survey appears as supplied by author

University of Dundee

Medical Student Council

Survey of Fraud and Plagiarism

The Medical Faculty is concerned about the issues of fraud and plagiarism. The Medical Students Council feels that student’s views about these matters should be considered. We would be grateful if you would spend a few minutes to fill in this anonymous questionnaire.


Medical Student Council

Year of study:First oSecond oThird oFourth oFifth o
Gender:Male oFemale o   

For each of the following scenarios 1-14, respond:

i. Whether you feel that John is wrong.

a. Yes

b. No

c. Not sure

ii. What penalty should be imposed for John.

a. Exclusion from the course

b. Repeat the year

c. Work/exam declared void/repeated

d. Core revision module in ethics

e. No action

iii. Have you done or would you consider doing the above.

a. Yes

b. No

c. Not sure

1.John forges Dr Cloony’s signature on a piece of work (e.g. patient presentation, record of achievement).
2.John copies answers in a degree exam from Jean.
3.John chats to Jean about the OSCE Jean has just completed and John is about to go into.
4.John copies from textbooks or published papers and lists them as references.
5.John copies directly from textbooks or published papers without acknowledging the source.
6.John copies Jean’s work (e.g. patient presentation, SSM report, case discussion)
7.John lends Jean his work to look at, and she copies it without telling him.
8.John lends Jean his work to copy.
9.John writes a piece of work (e.g. patient presentation etc.) for Jean.
10.John writes "Nervous system examination – normal" in his patient presentation when he hasn’t performed the procedure.
11.John resubmits work already submitted for a different part of the course. (e.g. a special study module report for his fourth year project.)
12.John submits his thesis from a previous degree for his special study module.
13.John submits work submitted the previous year by his senior.
14.John and Jean submit the same SSM report.

Which, if any, of the above scenarios do you consider to be serious misconduct?................................................................

Should students inform faculty if they are aware of other students serious misconduct?Yes oNo oNot Sure o
Have you or would you inform faculty of another students serious misconduct?Yes oNo oNot Sure o
Should students sign a declaration for all written work stating it is their own work?Yes oNo oNot Sure o
