Summary motif results ===================== mfinder Version 1.20 MOTIF FINDER RESULTS: Network name: /Library/WebServer/Documents/motifmunch/munchfiles/782112009141923.edge Network type: Directed Num of Nodes: 747 Num of Edges: 2364 Num of Nodes with edges: 747 Maximal out degree (out-hub) : 79 Maximal in degree (in-hub) : 60 Roots num: 159 Leaves num: 237 Single Edges num: 1938 Mutual Edges num: 213 Motif size searched 3 Total number of 3-node subgraphs : 38137 Number of random networks generated : 500 Random networks generation method: Switches Num of Switches range: 100.0-200.0, Success switches Ratio:0.822+-0.00 The following motifs were found: Criteria taken : Nreal Zscore > 2.00 Pval ignored (due to small number of random networks) Mfactor > 1.10 Uniqueness >= 4 Full list includes 6 motifs MOTIF NREAL NRAND NREAL NREAL UNIQ CREAL ID STATS ZSCORE PVAL VAL [MILI] 38 844 458.0+-30.4 12.69 0.000 50 22.13 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 46 200 73.4+-10.0 12.61 0.000 29 5.24 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 102 167 106.3+-11.1 5.46 0.000 22 4.38 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 108 222 101.7+-11.3 10.65 0.000 25 5.82 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 110 169 63.9+-9.0 11.63 0.000 21 4.43 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 238 32 6.5+-2.6 9.84 0.000 11 0.84 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Full list of subgraphs size 3 ids: ( Total num of different subgraphs size 3 is : 13 ) MOTIF NREAL NRAND NREAL NREAL CREAL UNIQ ID STATS ZSCORE PVAL [MILI] 6 10877 11383.3+-35.3 -14.33 1.000 285.21 100 12 10828 11288.1+-47.7 -9.64 1.000 283.92 88 14 3769 4188.0+-27.1 -15.48 1.000 98.83 51 36 6730 7242.6+-32.8 -15.65 1.000 176.47 99 38 844 458.0+-30.4 12.69 0.000 22.13 50 46 200 73.4+-10.0 12.61 0.000 5.24 29 74 3689 4095.4+-30.3 -13.41 1.000 96.73 46 78 549 730.6+-12.5 -14.52 1.000 14.40 29 98 61 56.5+-8.7 0.51 0.340 1.60 14 102 167 106.3+-11.1 5.46 0.000 4.38 22 108 222 101.7+-11.3 10.65 0.000 5.82 25 110 169 63.9+-9.0 11.63 0.000 4.43 21 238 32 6.5+-2.6 9.84 0.000 0.84 11 (Application total runtime was: 13.60 minutes). (Real network processing runtime was: 2.0 seconds.) (Single Random network processing runtime was: 1.6 seconds.)