Subfertile Female Androgen Receptor Knockout Mice Exhibit Defects in Neuroendocrine Signaling, Intraovarian Function, and Uterine Development But Not Uterine Function
Endocrinology Walters et al. 150: 3274 Supplemental Data
Supplemental Data
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental Figure S1 - Expression levels of GnRHr and LHβ in pituitaries.
AR+/+ = black, AR-/- = white, MAR+/+OvAR+/+ = black with white dots, MAR+/+OvAR-/- = black with white horizontal lines and MAR-/-OvAR+/+ = white with black diagonal lines. A and B, real-time RT-PCR analysis of the expression levels of GnRHr in pituitaries collected at diestrus. All data expressed as the mean ± SEM. n ≥ 5/genotype. C, real-time RT-PCR analysis of the expression levels of LHβ in pituitaries collected at proestrus. All data expressed as the mean ± SEM. n = 3-6/genotype. In all graphs different superscripts denote statistically significant differences. - Supplemental Figure S2 - Morphology of the structure of the uterus
AR+/+ = A, B, C and D and AR-/- = E, F, G and H. Diestrous = A, B, E, F and estrous = C, D, G and H. All photomicrographs are of uterine cross-sections. A, C, E and G are low-magnification images to show the global size changes. B, D, F and H are higher-magnification views of the myometrial layers (M), and stroma (S) and luminal epithelium (arrow) of the endometrium. I, histological uterine cross-sections at low-magnification to show the global size changes of MAR+/+OvAR+/+, MAR+/+OvAR-/- and MAR-/-OvAR+/+ uteri. - Supplemental Figure S3 - Pup birth weights, survival rates and postnatal growth rates
AR+/+ = black, AR-/- = white, MAR+/+OvAR+/+ = black with white dots, MAR+/+OvAR-/- = black with white horizontal lines and MAR-/-OvAR+/+ = white with black diagonal lines. A and B, pup weights. C and D, Percentage of surviving pups. Surviving pups indicate survival at 96hrs postpartum of 1st litter. AR+/+ = black square, AR-/- = white circle, MAR+/+OvAR+/+ = grey square, MAR+/+OvAR-/- = black triangle and MAR-/-OvAR+/+ = white triangle. E and F, Body weight of 1st offspring at 0, 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 days of age. Data are the mean ± SEM. n = 12-64 pups/age group.