Supplementary material for Gibbs et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.190252697
Characters - Piriformis fused with gluteus medius: (0) yes, (1) variable.
- Origin of gluteus minimus is continuous: (0) yes, (1) variable, (2) no.
- Gluteus medius origination from fascia lata: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Gluteus medius is bipinnate: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Tensor fascia latae fused proximally with gluteus maximus: (0) yes, (1) variable.
- Tensor fascia latae fused laterally with gluteus medius and minimus: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Gluteus maximus fused with biceps femoris: (0) at origin, (1) no fusion, (2) more distally.
- Gluteus maximus insertion into hypotrochanteric fossa: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Superior gemellus absent: (0) variable, (1) yes, (2) no.
- Quadratus femoris split at insertion: (0) yes, (1) variable, (2) no.
- Obturator externus fused at insertion with obturator internus: (0) yes, (1) variable.
- Gracilis origin extends to whole pubic body: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Single origin of adductor brevis: (0) yes, (1) variable, (2) no.
- Adductor brevis origination from superior pubic ramus: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Adductor brevis inserted between pectineus and upper part of adductor magnus: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Adductor magnus insertion into inferior border of quadratus femoris insertion: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Adductor minimus absent: (0) yes, (1) variable, (2) no.
- Rectus femoris has two heads: (0) no, (1) variable, (2) yes.
- Vastus medialis origination from intermuscular septa: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Vastus medialis insertion onto medial patellar surface: (0) no, (1) variable, (2) yes.
- Vastus lateralis origination from iliofemoral ligament: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Articularis genus present: (0) yes, (1) variable.
- Origin of short head of biceps femoris: (0) posterolateral femur and lateral intermuscular septum, (1) posterolateral femur only.
- Insertion of long head of biceps femoris into iliotibial tract: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Insertion of short head of biceps femoris onto lateral intermuscular septum: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Common origin of semitendinosus and semimembranosus in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Semimembranosus insertion into popliteal fascia and posterior wall of knee capsule via oblique popliteal ligaments: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Tibialis anterior origination from crural fascia: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Extensor digitorum origination from crural fascia: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Peroneus tertius present: (0) yes (30-50%), (1) yes (5%) or no, (2) yes (95%).
- Peroneus longus origination from lateral tibial condyle: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Peroneus brevis insertion onto first and second phalanges of digit V: (0) no, (1) variable.
- Tibial origin of soleus present: (0) no, (1) variable, (2) yes.
- Plantaris absent: (0) yes, (1) majority, (2) 50%, (3) 5-10%.
- Extensor digitorum brevis tendon to digit V present in some specimens: (0) yes, (1) no, (2) variable.
- Slip from abductor hallucis into base of MI: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Both heads of flexor hallucis brevis fused with abductor hallucis: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Lateral head of flexor hallucis brevis fused with adductor hallucis: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Two heads of adductor hallucis fused: (0) yes, (1) variable, (2) no.
- Oblique head of adductor hallucis origination from sheath of peroneus longus: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Insertion of abductor hallucis onto medial cuneiform in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Medial and lateral heads of flexor hallucis brevis separated by septum: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Flexor hallucis brevis insertion into MI: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Origin of transverse head of adductor hallucis: (0) MIV, second, third and fourth metatarsophalangeal joints and ligaments, (1) third, fourth (fifth) metatarsophalangeal joints and ligaments, (2) MIV, (3) neither.
- Opponens hallucis present: (0) variable, (1) yes.
- Abductor os metatarsi digiti minimi present: (0) no, (1) variable, (2) yes.
- Fourth dorsal interosseous has two heads: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Origin of first dorsal interosseous: (0) medial side MII, (1) lateral side MI, medial side MII, (2) medial cuneiform, medial side MII.
- Flexor digitorum brevis origination from plantar aponeurosis: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Flexor digitorum brevis fused with abductor hallucis in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Abductor pollicis brevis divides into slips: (0) no, (1) variable, (2) yes.
- Occasional reinforcement of abductor pollicis brevis by slips from flexor pollicis brevis: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Abductor pollicis brevis insertion into MI: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Site of origin of radial head of flexor pollicis brevis: (0) flexor retinaculum and MI, (1) flexor retinaculum, MI and trapezium, (2) flexor retinaculum and trapezium.
- Opponens pollicis sends slips forward to radial side of base of proximal and middle phalanges: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Palmaris brevis: (0) absent, (1) variable, (2) present.
- Site of origin of pronator teres: (0) medial humeral epicondyle, (1) medial humeral epicondyle; medial intermuscular septum
- Humeral head of pronator teres fused with flexor carpi radialis: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Humeroulnar head of flexor digitorum superficialis takes origin from intermuscular septum: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Flexor carpi radialis insertion into intermuscular septum: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Flexor carpi radialis fused with flexor digitorum superficialis: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Flexor carpi radialis insertion into palmar surface of base of MIII: (0) variable, (1) yes.
- Palmaris longus: (0) variable, (1) present.
- Flexor carpi ulnaris origination from intermuscular septum: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Flexor carpi ulnaris gives origin to some fibers for flexor digitorum superficialis: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Orientation of pronator quadratus: (0) strongly oblique, (1) moderately oblique, (2) weakly oblique.
- Extension of origin of flexor digitorum profundus: (0) none, (1) medial coronoid process, (2) medial humeral condyle, (3) both.
- Flexor pollicis longus origination from anterior radius and interosseous membrane: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Flexor pollicis longus takes origin from palmar fascia: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Flexor pollicis longus gives origin to tendon to digit II: (0) no, (1) variable, (2) yes.
- Extensor carpi radialis brevis origination from radial collateral ligament: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis from intermuscular septum: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Insertion of extensor carpi radialis brevis to MII: (0) yes, (1) variable, (2) no.
- Accessory tendon of extensor carpi radialis longus to MI: (0) no, (1) variable (4-12%), (3) variable (50%).
- Fusion of brachioradialis with brachialis: (0) yes, (1) variable, (2) no.
- Extensor digitorum origination from intermuscular septum: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Origin of extensor digitorum from radius and/or ulna in some specimens: (0) ulna, (1) radius and ulna, (2) neither.
- Origin of extensor digitorum from antebrachial fascia: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Slips from extensor digitorum tendon for digit IV: (0) to digit V, (1) to digit II, digit V, (2) to digit III.
- Coracobrachialis origination from intermuscular septum in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes
- Coracobrachialis fused with brachialis: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Multiple components of coracobrachialis present in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Extension of insertion of coracobrachialis: (0) none, (1) anteriorly, (2) anteriorly and distally, (3) distally.
- Brachialis origination from intermuscular septa: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Lateral head of triceps brachii origination from lateral intermuscular septum: (0) no, (1) yes
- Insertion of extensor digitorum extends into middle or distal phalanges in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Insertion of extensor digitorum into interphalangeal joints: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Ulnar origin for extensor digiti minimi in some specimens: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Extensor digiti minimi absent from some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Extension of extensor carpi ulnaris to first phalanx of digit V in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes
- Supinator origination from ligaments of elbow: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Abductor pollicis longus origination from intermuscular septum: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Extensor pollicis brevis origination from ulna and interosseous membrane: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Extensor pollicis brevis insertion onto base of proximal phalanx of digit I: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Extensor indicis origination from interosseous membrane: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Most common pattern of insertion of extensor indicis: (0) digits II, III, IV, (1) digits II and III, (2) digit II.
- Ranked position of average total body hair density per cm2: (0) 3, (1) 8 or 9, (2) 12 or 13.
- Sternal glands: (0) present, (1) absent.
- Ratio of nipple position to horizontal height index of nipple position: (0) 2.625, (1) 1.654 and 1.783, (2) 1.011 and 1.070.
- Axillary organ: (0) absent, (1) present.
- Number of bellies of omohyoid: (0) three, (1) one, (2) two or three, (3) one, two, or three.
- Anterior bellies of digastric in contact in midline: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Cricothyroid insertion onto external surface of posterior thyroid lamina: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Apex of tongue: (0) rounded, (1) square.
- Apical lingual gland: (0) absent, (1) variable, (2) present.
- Filiform papillae on posterior third of tongue: (0) present, (1) absent.
- Conical filiform predominate over cylindrical filiform: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Sublingual fold triangular: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Deltoid origination from infraspinous fascia: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Insertion of teres minor: (0) greater tubercle, (1) greater tubercle and shaft below, (2) greater tubercle, shaft below, and humeral head, (3) greater tubercle and humeral head only.
- Origin of teres minor: (0) lateral border, (1) lateral border and intermuscular septum, (2) lateral border and intermuscular septum, separated from teres major by long head of triceps.
- Latissimus dorsi origination from inferior scapular angle: (0) no, (1) variable, (2) yes.
- Extent of costal origin of latissimus dorsi: (0) five ribs, (1) four or five ribs, (2) six ribs, (3) three ribs.
- Extent of origin of teres major from lateral scapular border: (0) 30%, (1) 50%, (2) more than 50%.
- Insertion of subscapularis: (0) lesser humeral tubercle, (1) lesser humeral tubercle and shaft below, (2) lesser humeral tubercle, shaft below and capsule of shoulder joint, (3) lesser humeral tubercle and capsule of shoulder joint.
- Accessory bundles of subscapularis: (0) absent, (1) variable
- Extent of costal origin of subclavius: (0) first, second, and third ribs, (1) first and second ribs, (2) first rib.
- Extent of costal origin of serratus anterior: (0) 1-9, 10, and 11, (1) 1-9, 10, 11, and last rib, (2) 1-9 (10).
- Pectoralis major insertion into tendon of short head of biceps brachii: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Extent of costal origin of pectoralis major: (0) none, (1) cranial and caudal, (2) caudal, (3) cranial.
- Cranial extent of costal origin of pectoralis major: (0) absent, (1) second rib, (2) first rib.
- Caudal extent of costal origin of pectoralis major: (0) absent, (1) seventh rib, (2) eighth rib.
- Extent of clavicular origin of pectoralis major: (0) two-thirds, (1) half, (2) medial third.
- Incidence of absence of clavicular head of pectoralis major: (0) no, (1) yes (30%), (2) yes (80%).
- Divisions of pectoralis major: (0) two parts, (1) variable.
- Origin of psoas major extends to S1: (0) yes, (1) variable, (2) no.
- Origin of psoas minor from T12: (0) variable, (1) yes.
- Origin of psoas minor from L2: (0) variable (30%), (1) variable (50%), (2) variable (75%), (3) no.
- Bulbospongiosus origination from ischial ramus: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Bulbospongiosus origination from perineal body: (0) no, (1) variable, (2) yes.
- Coccygeus insertion into anococcygeal raphe: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Coccygeus insertion into sacrum: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Penile spines: (0) present, (1) absent.
- Ventral groove in glans penis: (0) present, (1) absent.
- Scrotal position: (0) prepenial, parapenial, or postpenial, (1) postpenial or parapenial/postpenial, (2) postpenial.
- Dependency of scrotum: (0) variable, (1) dependant, (2) nondependent.
- Relative testes size (ratio of observed/predicted body testes size): (0) 0.31-0.33, (1) 0.14, (2) 0.50, (3) 1.53.
- Urethral papilla: (0) present, (1) absent.
- Transverse rugae of vagina: (0) less developed, (1) more developed.
- Number of taeniae coli: (0) three, (1) four, (2) variable.
- Origin of subscapular artery: (0) common trunk, (1) axillary artery.
- Origin of lateral thoracic artery: (0) thoracoacromial artery, (1) axillary artery.
- Pectoral branch of thoracoacromial artery: (0) absent, (1) variable, (2) present.
- Supreme thoracic artery: (0) absent, (1) present.
- Thyroidea ima arises from left common carotid in some specimens: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Most common form of branches from aortic arch: (0) E, (1) B, (2) C [see Keith (ref. 1) for key].
- Perforating branch of peroneal artery anastomoses with anterior lateral malleolar artery: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Origin of peroneal artery: (0) posterior tibial artery, (1) popliteal artery, (2) anterior tibial artery.
- Digital branches of deep plantar arch to adjacent sides of II and III: (0) present, (1) variable, (2) absent
- Size of lateral plantar artery: (0) absent, (1) smaller than medial plantar, (2) equal to medial plantar, (3) larger than medial plantar.
- Inferior medial and inferior lateral genicular branches of popliteal artery: (0) present, (1) absent.
- Origin of medial femoral circumflex artery: (0) external iliac, (1) variable, (2) profunda femoris, (3) femoral artery.
- Number of perforating branches of profunda femoris: (0) two, (1) none, (2) three.
- Muscular branches of profunda femoris for hamstrings: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Muscular branches of profunda femoris for quadriceps: (0) no, (1) yes
- Perforating veins in cubital fossa: (0) present, (1) variable, (2) absent.
- Basilic vein: (0) absent, (1) variable, (2) present.
- Cephalic vein "short" in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes (20-25%), (2) yes (80-100%).
- Origin of palmar metacarpal arteries: (0) deep palmar arch, (1) radial artery, (2) absent.
- Origin of radialis indicus: (0) deep palmar arch, (1) first palmar metacarpal artery, (2) radial artery
- Superficial palmar arch: (0) variable, (1) absent, (2) present.
- Origin of posterior interosseous artery: (0) brachial artery, (1) common interosseous.
- Anterior and posterior ulnar recurrent arteries originate from a common trunk: (0) yes, (1) variable, (2) no.
- Palmar carpal branch of ulnar artery: (0) present, (1) absent.
- Dorsalis indicis and dorsal metacarpal branches of ulnar artery: (0) absent, (1) present.
- Termination of superficial palmar artery: (0) thenar muscles, (1) superficial palmar arch.
- Superficial palmar artery passes over thenar muscles in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Origin of radial recurrent artery: (0) radial artery, (1) variable, (2) brachial artery.
- Dorsalis pollicis: (0) present, (1) absent.
- Point at which radial artery enters palm: (0) dorsum of second interosseous space, (1) dorsum of first interosseous space.
- Origin of superior ulnar collateral artery: (0) profunda brachii, (1) brachial artery.
- Profunda brachii originates from brachial artery in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Latissimus dorsi innervated in common with teres major: (0) yes, (1) variable, (2) no.
- Origin of subscapular nerves: (0) C5C7, (1) C5C8, (2) C5C8 and T1, (3) C5 and C6.
- Number of lumbricals supplied by median nerve: (0) two, (1) two or three, (2) one or two.
- Number of digits supplied by median nerve: (0) two and a half, (1) three and a half.
- Digits supplied by radial nerve: (0) one and a half, (1) two and a half.
- Radial nerve innervates brachioradialis: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Gangliform enlargement at junction of radial and posterior interosseous nerves: (0) absent, (1) present.
- Axillary nerve innervates subscapularis: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Origin of axillary nerve: (0) C5C8, (1) C5C8 and T1, (2) C5C7.
- Number of lumbricals innervated by ulnar nerve: (0) two, (1) one, (2) three.
- Ulnar nerve innervates flexor pollicis brevis in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes (~50%), (2) yes (100%).
- Ulnar nerve supplies hypothenar muscles: (0) no, (1) yes
- Intercostobrachial nerve includes elements from T3 in some specimens: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Psoas minor innervated by femoral nerve: (0) no, (1) yes
- Origin of lateral cutaneous femoral nerve from L1 and L3: (0) no, (1) variable, (2) yes.
- Femoral nerve origination from L1 and L4: (0) L4, (1) variable, (2) L1.
- Genitofemoral nerve origination from L2: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Genitofemoral nerve pierces psoas major: (0) yes, (1) variable.
- Obturator nerve origination from L1: (0) no, (1) yes.
- Muscular branches of obturator nerve: (0) adductors, obturator externus, gracilis, (1) adductors, obturator externus, gracilis, pectineus.
- Muscular branches of medial plantar nerve: (0) two medial lumbricals, (1) two medial lumbricals; adductor hallucis, (2) one medial lumbrical.
- Digital branches of lateral plantar nerve: (0) one and a half, (1) two and a half.
- Muscular branches of tibial nerve: (0) none of these, (1) flexor digitorum longus, (2) flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior and flexor hallucis longus.
- Superficial peroneal nerve supplies medial side of digit II: (0) yes, (1) no.
- Flexores femoris nerve: (0) present, (1) variable, (2) absent.
1. Keith, A. (1895) J. Anat. Phys. 29, 453-458.