Comparison of Species Richness Estimates Obtained Using Nearly Complete Fragments and Simulated Pyrosequencing-Generated Fragments in 16S rRNA Gene-Based Environmental Surveys
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Youssef et al. 75: 5227

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Example of a scatter plot used to calculate slopes for the Soil-Okla-A data set (Fig. S1), ratios of OTU numbers (Table S1) and species richness estimates (Table S2) obtained using each of the short pyrosequencing-simulated regions to those obtained using the nearly full-length fragment, species richness estimates using the nearly full-length sequences and each short simulated region for three environments (Table S3), and phylum-level compositions of soil, digestive tract contents, and endolithic and epilithic microbial communities inhabiting the ocean crust (Table S4).
    Word file, 3.2MB.