Skeletal muscle growth and fiber composition in mice are regulated through the transcription factors STAT5a/b: linking growth hormone to the androgen receptor
FASEB J. Klover et al. 23: 3140 Supplemental Data
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Supplemental Figure 1: Heat map of muscle contraction-related genes from 3 untreated Stat5MKO mice (left 3 columns) and 3 Stat5 fl/fl controls (right 3 columns).
Supplemental Figure 2: Western blot analysis of immunoprecipitates used in chIP assay confirms expression of STAT5a in MIG-STAT5a infected cells. STAT5a is pulled down only in sonicates from C2C12 cells infected with MIG-STAT5a. The antibody used to immunoprecipitate STAT5a was PA-ST5A (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN). Preimmune IgG (AB-105-C, R&D Systems) and anti-Histone 3 (CS200580, Millipore, Temecula, CA) antibodies do not pull down STAT5a. Blotting antibody used recognizes both mouse STAT5a and STAT5b (SC-835, Santa Cruz Biotechnology).