Timing of the Ovarian Circadian Clock Is Regulated by Gonadotropins
Endocrinology Yoshikawa et al. 150: 4338 Supplemental Data
Supplemental Data
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplementary Figure 1 - Peak phase of Per1-luc expression in ovarian tissue from animals after removal of a single ovary or removal of both ovaries and addition of a single heterotopic transplant.
Phase plots of Per1-luc expression in cultured ovarian follicles from three groups: (1) Control animals that were unilaterally OVX, (2) Animals that were bilaterally OVX and had a single ovary transplanted subcutaneously (SQ) near the femoral artery and (3) Animals that were bilaterally OVX followed by subcutaneous heterotopic transplant of ovarian fragments contained in a dialysis membrane (E-SQ). Regardless of surgery, ovarian follicles were cultured after 7 days and peak phase was calculated as described in Methods. As shown, elimination of the additional ovarian transplants and contralateral control ovaries did not significantly alter the mean phase of Per1-luc expression (n=4 animals per group, n=3-4 cultures/animal; compare with data in Fig. 2). Time is indicated by position on the circle. Light conditions at the time of sacrifice are shown by shading. The peak phase of each culture is represented by small circles (green, control ovary; blue, SQ transplant; red, E-SQ transplant). Arrows inside the large circles indicate the average phase of each group. The degree of synchrony within each group is directly related to the length of the arrow. The numbers in parentheses in each circle indicate the number of rhythmic cultures/total cultures.