Regulation of Food Intake and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/Luteinizing Hormone during Lactation: Role of Insulin and Leptin
Endocrinology Xu et al. 150: 4231 Supplemental Data
Supplemental Data
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental Figure 1 - Experimental protocol for Exp. 1-3. The day of delivery was considered day 0 postpartum. The lactating rats were ovariectomized and litters adjusted to eight pups on day 2-3 postpartum. Virgin control rats were ovariectomized during random days of the estrous cycle and used 6 days later. On postpartum 8-9, or 6 days post ovariectomy for virgin controls, Alzet minipumps (1 μl/h) containing saline, 500 ng/μl human insulin, or 500 ng/μl rat leptin were implanted into the rats, respectively, and the pups were removed from the pup removal group. Trunk blood and brain tissue were collected 48 h after pump implantation. Food intake and body weight were measured daily from the day of ovariectomy to sacrifice.
- Supplemental Figure 2 - Blood glucose concentrations in Exp. 1-3. LEGEND: Con= virgin control; Lac = lactation + 8 pups; Lac + Ins = lactation + insulin replacement; Lac + Lep = lactation + leptin replacement; Lac + Ins/Lep = lactation + insulin and leptin replacement; - Pups = 48 h pup removal. Columns with different letters are significantly different (p