Mouse Norovirus Replication Is Associated with Virus-Induced Vesicle Clusters Originating from Membranes Derived from the Secretory Pathway
J. Virol. Hyde et al. 83: 9709
Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Fig. S1 (MNV-1 nonstructural proteins all exhibit a similar subcellular localization pattern in infected cells during the course of infection.)
Zipped Adobe Photoshop file, 6.47 MB. - Supplemental file 2 - Fig. S2 (MNV-1-infected cells exhibit extensive CPE at later time points.)
Zipped Adobe Photoshop file, 3.31 MB. - Supplemental file 3 - Fig. S3 (BFA titration in Raw264.7 cells.)
Zipped Adobe Photoshop file, 584K. - Supplemental file 4 - Fig. S4 (Distribution of ER, Golgi, endosomal, lysosomal, COPI, and COPII markers in uninfected cells.)
Zipped Adobe Photoshop file, 4.79 MB. - Supplemental file 5 - Legends to Fig. S1 through S4
MS Word document, 27K.