Correlation of palpable carotid,
femoral and radial pulses with systolic blood pressure
CD Deakin
Author's response to reviewer's and statistician's reports
Further to your letter of 14 January 2000, please find enclosed
the revised manuscript. In answer to your specific points:
We have included "observational study" in the title as requested.
The first sentence of the comment now contains the main message of the
CDD designed the study, collected the data and wrote the manuscript. JLL
gave advice about the study design, analysed the data and helped in the
revision of the manuscript.
Our replies to the statistical review are given below:
i) Sample size is clarified in the text. Sequential patients were
collected over a three year period.
ii) The term 'correlation' is no longer used.
iii) CDD has spoken twice to Julie Morris regarding her statistical
comments. She has agreed that a reference range for the data would be appropriate
and we have calculated these values. We have changed the original graph
to a dot-plot graph which Julie Morris agreed would also be more appropriate.
The manuscript has now been revised according to her wishes and agreement.
iv) Table 1 has been omitted.
I hope the revised manuscript is satisfactory and we look forward to hearing
from you in due course.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Charles D. Deakin MA MD MRCP FRCA