Supplementary material for Fukui et al. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97 (18), 10020-10025.

QuickTime Video

Movie 2.

A wild-type amoeba of Dictyostelium discoideum (NC4) dividing by the apparently normal cytokinesis under a Centrifuge Polarizing Microscope (CPM) rotating at 11,700 rpm (ca. 10,500 ´ g). Selected frames shown in Fig. 1. The image also demonstrates that the daughter cell migrates "upward" resisting strong downward "pull." Under the centrifugal field, the cell must be generating >2,000 pN migration forces, calculated from its apparent weight, i.e., reduced mass ´ centrifugal acceleration. DIC ´40. Total 3 min in real time.