Biogenic Formation of As-S Nanotubes by Diverse Shewanella Strains
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Jiang et al. 75: 6896

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Protein sequence similarity of ArrA and ArsC found in different Shewanella strains with the arr-ars operon-encoded proteins in Shewanella strain ANA-3 (AY271310) (Table S1), concentrations of lactate, acetate, As(V), and As(III) in supernatants of medium incubated with bacteria at 30°C (Fig. S1) and 20°C (Fig. S3), and concentrations of sulfide in the aqueous phase of culture medium incubated with bacteria at 30°C (Fig. S2) and 20°C (Fig. S4).
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