Bimolecular Complementation of Paramyxovirus Fusion and Hemagglutinin-Neuraminidase Proteins Enhances Fusion: Implications for the Mechanism of Fusion Triggering
J. Virol. Connolly et al. 83: 10857
Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Fig. S1 (BiFC constructs acquire late resistance to endoglycosidase H digestion.)
JPEG Image file, 33K. - Supplemental file 2 - Fig. S2 (Analysis of BiFC construct stability and cleavage.)
EPS file, 8.99 MB. - Supplemental file 3 - Fig. S3 (Coimmunoprecipitation of F-Yn with Yc-HN.)
EPS file, 3.3 MB. - Supplemental file 4 - Legends to supplemental figures
MS Word document, 26K.