Supplementary material for Burdin et al. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97 (18), 10156-10161.

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Fig. 3. Locations and side chains of the wild-type mCD1.1 amino acids that were mutated are shown. A top view of a ribbon diagram of the Ag-binding groove is depicted; this is the perspective of the T cell antigen receptor. The mCD1.1 a helices are in red and the antiparallel b strands are in blue. The side chains of the wild-type amino acids are indicated. Oxygen is red, nitrogen is blue, and sulfur is green. Two of the mutations, at positions 10 and 12, are located on the S1 b strand of the A' pocket, which is on the left side of the Ag-binding groove in this view. The other eight mutations are on the a helices, either pointing up toward the TCR or into the groove.