Development and Evaluation of One-Step TaqMan Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR Assays Targeting Nucleoprotein, Matrix, and Hemagglutinin Genes of Equine Influenza Virus
J. Clin. Microbiol. Lu et al. 47: 3907
Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Tables S1 (List of influenza A virus strains and other equine viral pathogens tested by rRT-PCR assays in order to determine the specificity of each assay).
S2 (Primers used for RT-PCR amplification and sequencing of NP, M, and H3 HA genes).
S3 (Estimated sensitivity of each rRT-PCR assay and P values for a statistical difference between rRT-PCR and VI by egg inoculation).
S4 (Estimates and comparison of test performance parameters of three rRT-PCR assays using field samples).
Fig. S1 (Comparison of analytical sensitivity between IVT RNA of different EIA strains by use of EqFlu NP rRT-PCR).
S2 (Comparison of analytical sensitivity between IVT RNA of different EIA strains by use of EqFlu M rRT-PCR).
S3 (Comparison of analytical sensitivity between IVT RNA of different EIV strains by use of EqFlu HA3 rRT-PCR and EqFlu HA3-Mia rRT-PCR).
MS Word document, 390K.