####################################################################### # # Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre # CCDC # ####################################################################### # # If this CIF has been generated directly or indirectly from an entry in the # Cambridge Structural Database, then it will include bibliographic, chemical, # crystal, experimental, refinement or atomic coordinate data resulting from # the CCDC's data processing and validation procedures. Files generated from # CSD entries are Copyright 2009 Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. They # may be used in bona fide research applications only, and may not be copied or # further disseminated in any form, whether machine-readable or not, except for # the purposes of generating routine backup copies on your local computer # system. # # Files arising from any other source may also contain material that is the # copyright of third parties, including the originator, and you should check # with the originator concerning the permitted uses of the information # contained in this CIF. # # For further information on the CCDC and the free tools enCIFer and Mercury # for validating and visualising CIF files, please visit www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk # ####################################################################### data_baran58 _symmetry_cell_setting orthorhombic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P b c a' _symmetry_Int_Tables_number 61 loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 1 x,y,z 2 1/2+x,1/2-y,-z 3 -x,1/2+y,1/2-z 4 1/2-x,-y,1/2+z 5 -x,-y,-z 6 1/2-x,1/2+y,z 7 x,1/2-y,1/2+z 8 1/2+x,y,1/2-z _cell_length_a 7.8820(12) _cell_length_b 13.881(2) _cell_length_c 31.693(5) _cell_angle_alpha 90.00 _cell_angle_beta 90.00 _cell_angle_gamma 90.00 _cell_volume 3467.53 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z Br1 Br -0.13418(4) 0.57575(2) 0.532823(10) O1 O -0.4160(2) 0.56641(12) 0.63612(6) O2 O -0.9012(2) 0.45408(15) 0.62720(8) N1 N -0.3287(3) 0.61088(16) 0.60216(8) C1 C -0.7650(4) 0.2066(2) 0.56119(10) H1A H -0.7540 0.1390 0.5670 H1B H -0.7306 0.2192 0.5327 H1C H -0.8811 0.2258 0.5649 C2 C -0.6518(3) 0.26385(19) 0.59164(9) H2 H -0.5381 0.2354 0.5905 C3 C -0.6377(3) 0.36929(19) 0.57489(9) H3 H -0.7447 0.3831 0.5603 C4 C -0.4973(3) 0.3767(2) 0.54146(9) H4A H -0.5126 0.3260 0.5207 H4B H -0.5066 0.4381 0.5270 C5 C -0.3210(3) 0.36786(18) 0.56099(9) H5A H -0.2364 0.3758 0.5390 H5B H -0.3078 0.3037 0.5727 C6 C -0.2884(3) 0.44200(17) 0.59575(9) H6 H -0.1872 0.4225 0.6116 C7 C -0.2640(3) 0.5438(2) 0.58041(9) C8 C -0.4339(3) 0.46114(17) 0.62726(9) C9 C -0.7128(3) 0.25628(18) 0.63624(9) H9 H -0.8253 0.2385 0.6405 C10 C -0.6184(3) 0.27297(17) 0.67023(9) H10 H -0.6697 0.2659 0.6965 C11 C -0.4331(3) 0.30278(18) 0.66935(8) H11 H -0.3853 0.2804 0.6425 C12 C -0.3287(3) 0.25579(19) 0.70533(9) H12 H -0.3555 0.2891 0.7318 C13 C -0.3718(3) 0.14910(19) 0.71054(10) H13A H -0.3529 0.1162 0.6843 H13B H -0.4886 0.1426 0.7186 H13C H -0.3009 0.1215 0.7320 C14 C -0.1376(3) 0.2667(2) 0.69675(10) H14A H -0.0746 0.2376 0.7193 H14B H -0.1093 0.3338 0.6949 H14C H -0.1095 0.2354 0.6707 C15 C -0.4155(3) 0.41423(17) 0.67045(9) H15 H -0.3004 0.4284 0.6803 C16 C -0.5392(3) 0.46260(19) 0.70193(9) H16A H -0.5576 0.4189 0.7254 H16B H -0.4855 0.5201 0.7131 C17 C -0.7138(3) 0.4910(2) 0.68342(10) H17A H -0.8006 0.4642 0.7017 H17B H -0.7236 0.5605 0.6850 C18 C -0.7544(3) 0.46147(19) 0.63895(10) C19 C -0.6112(3) 0.45127(18) 0.60697(9) H19 H -0.6213 0.5097 0.5898 #END