Supplemental Data
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental Figure S1 - "Immunoprecipitation (IP) with the SRY antibody. MCF-7 cells were mock transfected (-) or transfected with a HA-Sry expression plasmid (+) and whole cell extract (ce) prepared. SRY antibody was used for IP and anti-HA antibody was used to visualize HA-SRY protein by Western blot analysis. HA-SRY (approximately 50 kDa) was precipitated with the SRY antibody only from the transfected cells. A protein of similar size was detected in the first supernatant of the IP (sn), suggesting that the SRY did not deplete the extract from HA-SRY. Lower bands present in both IP lanes are IgG heavy chains."
- Supplemental Table S1 - "Candidate SRY targets generated by ChIP analysis. Summary of analysis of ChIP fragments. The genomic position (chromosome and position), approximate size, and number of perfect SRY consensus binding sites within each ChIP fragment, and genes close to the genomic location that have been identified as putative targets are listed."