Emergence of a New Multidrug-Resistant Serotype X Variant in an Epidemic Clone of Shigella flexneri
J. Clin. Microbiol. Ye et al. 48: 419

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Fig. S1 (Genetic map of the Fxv SHI-O island of 2002017), S2 (Comparison of the genomic organization of the SRL islands of YSH6000 and 2002017), S3 (Plot of mutations, recombination events, and indels in the genomes of strains 2002017 and 2457T), and S4 (Function categories of genes with or without mutational changes) and Tables S1 (Pseudogenes in the genome of 2002017) and S2 (Recombination statistics for 2002017 and 2457T).
    PDF file, 6.94 MB.