'This figure plots the mean response of the population to stimuli with the specified disparity.' close all clear all load Tmplates % Convert mean complex-cell correlation into mean spike count, assuming 1=mean spike count to uncorrelated stimuli: mnC = (1 + mnC); jstimHD = 9; nSF = length(Neurons.SF); jphd = find(Neurons.PhaseDisp==0); jstimVDs = [3 7 9 11 13 15]; nstimVD = length(jstimVDs); figure('pos',[ 2 35 1275 665]) xL = 0.13; xw = 0.13; yh = 0.11; yB = 0.08; % Choose colorscale caxmn = 0; caxmx = 2; xspacing = 0.029; yspacing = 0.04; for jVD = 1:nstimVD jstimVD = jstimVDs(jVD); for jSF=1:nSF ps = [xL+(xw+xspacing)*(jSF-1) yB+(yh+yspacing)*(jVD-1) xw yh ]; ax(jVD,jSF) = axes('pos',ps ); imagesc(Neurons.PrefHDisp,Neurons.Ori,mnC(:,:,jSF,jphd,jstimHD,jstimVD)); set(gca,'ydir','norm','fonts',12) hold on arrow(Stim.HDisps(jstimHD)*[1 1],[-120 -80],2,20,'k-','linew',2,'clipping','off') % plot(Stim.HDisps(jstimHD)*[1 1],ylim,'k-') caxis([caxmn caxmx]) if jVD==nstimVD title(sprintf('f = %4.2g cyc/pix',Neurons.SF(jSF)),'fonts',14) end if jSF==1 text(-0.85,1.1,char(65+nstimVD-jVD),'fonts',18,'fontw','bold','units','norm') text(-0.97,0.5,['\Deltay = ' num2str(Stim.VDisps(jstimVD)) ' pix'],'fonts',14,'rot',0,'units','norm','horizon','left','vert','middle') text(-0.86,0.4,'stim','fonts',10,'rot',0,'units','norm','horizon','left','vert','middle') end end end axh=colorbar; set(ax(jVD,jSF),'pos',ps) set(axh,'pos',[0.91 0.1 0.025 0.85],'fonts',12) text(1.7,-2.5,'average number of spikes fired by encoding neuron','fonts',14,'rotation',-90,'vert','mid','horiz','cen','units','norm') text(1.55,-2.5,'to stimuli with the disparity specified in each row','fonts',14,'rotation',-90,'vert','mid','horiz','cen','units','norm') axes(ax(1,floor((nSF+1)/2))) xlabel('h o r i z o n t a l d i s p a r i t y t u n i n g , \Deltax_{enc}, i n p i x e l s','fonts',14) axes(ax(floor((nstimVD+1)/2),1)) text(-0.27,1,' o r i e n t a t i o n t u n i n g , \theta, i n d e g ','fonts',14,'rot',90,'units','norm','horizon','center','vert','middle') axes(ax(nstimVD,floor((nSF+1)/2))) %text(0.5,1.5,'W(\theta, f, \Deltax; \Deltax_{stim}, \Deltay_{stim})','fonts',12,'units','norm','horizon','center','vert','middle') set(gcf,'paperpositionmode','auto') print -dtiff -r500 09-PLCB-RA-1052_Fig6.tif