Type of study and grade of evidence


Web references

Type of study and grade of evidence
Reference Type of study
Grade of evidence
Yocum et al3 Retrospective population based cohort study
Stewart et al4 Retrospective analysis of emergency admissions over two separate three month periods
Klein et al5 Retrospective analysis of emergency admissions over four month period
Neugut et al6 Review of literature to obtain prevalence estimates of anaphylaxis in United States
Johnston et al7 Case reports
Pumphrey8 Review of death certificate register between 1992 and 1998 for episodes of fatal anaphylaxis and subsequent review of these patients management
Bautista et alw1 Randomised placebo controlled trial assessing haemodynamic response to subcuataneous, intramuscular, and intravenous adrenaline (epinephrine) in canine anaphylactic shock model
Horowitz et alw2 Case report
Davis et alw3 Case report
Simons12 Prospective, randomised, blinded, parallel group study in 17 children with history of anaphylaxis.
Simons et al13 Prospective randomised blinded placebo controlled six way cross over study of intramuscular versus subcutaneous epinephrine in young men
Heliborn et alw6 Comparison of systemic adrenaline absorption in 12 healthy volunteers after inhaled or subcutaneous administration
Dahlof et alw4 Comparison of systemic adrenaline absorption in eight healthy volunteers after inhaled, subcutaneous, and eye drop administration
Moneret Vautrin et al16 Case report
Sampson et al17 Retrospective analysis of fatal and near fatal anaphylactic reactions in children and adolescents over 14 month period
Soreide et al18 Retrospective review of 27 anaphylactic reactions treated by anaesthesiologist staffed ambulance helicopters during five year period
Macdougall et al19 Retrospective analysis of paediatric fatalities 1990-98 using death certificate register, and prospective analysis of severe and fatal reactions 1998-2000 using British Paediatric Surveillance System
Zimmerman et al20 Analysis of 96 consecutive patients who were skin prick test positive to peanut attending one year follow up
Pumphreyw8 Retrospective survey of 1130 patients attending allergy clinic
Goldberg et al23 Analysis of attitudes of 96 patients receiving immunotherapy towards using, and ability to use, Epipen (ALK-Abelló) device
Gold et al25 Retrospective survey of children with history of anaphylaxis who had been prescribed Epipen device
Simons et alw9 Prospective, randomised cross over study of adrenaline bioavailability in out-dated Epipens by injection into rabbits, spectrophotometry, and high performance liquid chromatography

Box 1: Grades for levels of evidence
  • Grade A: based on a meta-analysis or at least one randomised control trial
  • Grade B: based on at least one well designed, but not necessarily controlled, study, including case control and comparative studies
  • Grade C: based on expert reports or opinions

Web references

w1 Bautista E, Simons FE, Simons KJ, Becker AB, Duke K, Tillett M, et al. Epinephrine fails to hasten the haemodynamic recovery in fully developed canine anaphylactic shock. Intern Arch Allergy Immunol 2002;128:151-64.

w2 Horowitz BZ, Jadallah S, Derlet RW. Fatal intracranial bleeding associated with prehospital use of epinephrine. Ann Emerg Med 1996;28:725-7.

w3 Davis CO, Wax PM. Prehospital epinephrine overdose in a child resulting in ventricular dysrhythmias and myocardial ischaemia. Paediatr Emerg Care 1999;15(2):116-8.

w4 Dahlof C, Mellstrand T, Svedmyr N. Systemic absorption of adrenaline after aerosol, eye-drop and subcutaneous administration to healthy volunteers. Allergy 1987;42:215-21.

w5 Plomley RF. Inhaled adrenaline in the treatment of anaphylaxis. Med J Aust 1988;149:564.

w6 Heliborn H, Hjemdahl P, Daleskog M, Adamsson U. Comparison of subcutaneous injection and high dose inhalation epinephrine—implications for self-treatment to prevent anaphylaxis. J Emerg Med 1991;10:693-8.

w7 Adrenaline for anaphylaxis. Drug Ther Bull 1994;32(3):19-21.

w8 Pumphrey R. How helpful is adrenaline self treatment? Immunology 1999;98(suppl 1):145.

w9 Simons FE, Gu X, Simons KJ. Outdated Epipen and Epipen Junior autoinjectors: past their prime? J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000;105:1025-30.