Compensation of Fitness Costs and Reversibility of Antibiotic Resistance Mutations
Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. Schulz zur Wiesch et al. 54: 2085

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Figure S1, showing acquisition and loss of resistance in recurrent MRSA.
    Zipped TIF file, 107K.
  • Supplemental file 2 - Figure S2, showing fitness values from Paulander et al. plotted by genotype and environment.
    Zipped Jpeg file, 102K.
  • Supplemental file 3 - Figure S3, showing typical time course of treated bacterial population.
    Zipped Jpeg file, 41K.
  • Supplemental file 4 - Figure S4, showing absolute and relative mutation rates and time to reversion after treatment discontinuation.
    Zipped Jpeg file, 1.4MB.
  • Supplemental file 5 - Figure S5, showing types of compensation mutations during intermittent treatment.
    Zipped Jpeg file, 400K.
  • Supplemental file 6 - igure S6, showing effects of treatment period on average bacterial population size and composition.
    Zipped Jpeg file, 253K.
  • Supplemental file 7 - Figure S7, showing fitness of RC genotype and optimal treatment period.
    Zipped Jpeg file, 218K.
  • Supplemental file 8 - Additional equations and legends for supplemental figures.
    Zipped MS Word document, 44K.