Genome-Driven Investigation of Compatible Solute Biosynthesis Pathways of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and Their Contribution to Water Stress Tolerance
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Kurz et al. 76: 5452

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - 1H (Fig. S1) and 13C (Fig. S2) NMR spectra of the crude cellular extract in D2O, 1H (Fig. S3) and 13C and DEPT135 (Fig. S4) NMR spectra of NAGGN in d6-DMSO, NMR spectral data for NAGGN in d6-DMSO (Table S1), key cross correlations obtained from the analysis of 2D NMR spectra (Fig. S5), low-resolution (Fig. S6) and high-resolution (Fig. S7) ESI-TOF-MS spectra of NAGGN, chiral HPLC amino acid analysis of NAGGN (Fig. S8), osmolyte profiles of DC3000 WT grown under different conditions (Fig. S9) and the B728a WT and ΔPsyr_3747 KO strain at 1 to 2% NaCl (Fig. S10), occurrence of the ggn biosynthesis gene cluster in further pseudomonads (Fig. S11), phylogenetic analysis of bacterial EctC enzymes (Fig. S12), growth studies of pseudomonads (Fig. S13), suitability test of the reporter gene fusion strain B728a(pPnaggn:gfp) (Fig. S14), and role of NAGGN on plant surfaces (Fig. S15).
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