Diversity of Glycosyl Hydrolases from Cellulose-Depleting Communities Enriched from Casts of Two Earthworm Species
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Beloqui et al. 76: 5934
Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Annotation of genes predicted in fosmid clones from metagenome libraries LT and AC (Table S1); list of vectors and primers used (Table S2); physical maps of pCCFOS clones g03 and g04 from the LT library (Fig. S1) and pCCFOS clone inserts g05, g06, and g08 and overlapping fragments g07 and g10 from the AC library (Fig. S2); distributions of genes containing g03 and g04 (Fig. S3), g05 to g08, and g10 (Fig. S4) in 12 COG categories; Coomassie blue-stained SDS-PAGE gel showing purified G03-3 and G04-9 enzymes (Fig. S5); temperature and pH optima for GHs recovered from LT and AC libraries (Fig. S6); overall 3D modeling of structure of GHs from LT and AC libraries (Fig. S7); activation effect of NaCl to the G04-10 enzyme (Fig. S8); alignment of G05-26 and G05-27 proteins (Fig. S9); core genome and genomic island regions in fosmid g07 (Fig. S10); phylogenetic analysis of eukaryotic 28S rRNA gene fragments from AC- and LT-originating enrichments (Fig. S11); comparison of eukaryotic clones from AC- and LT-originating enrichments via the webLIBSHUFF tool (Fig. S12).
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