Frameshift Mutations in a Single Novel Virulence Factor Alter the In Vivo Pathogenicity of Chlamydia trachomatis for the Female Murine Genital Tract
Infect. Immun. Sturdevant et al. 78: 3660

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Table S1. List of PCR and sequencing primers used for gap closing and TARP.
    Zipped MS Word document, 9K.
  • Supplemental file 2 - Table S2. List of 62 PCR and sequencing primer pairs used for sequence confirmation.
    Zipped MS Word document, 13K.
  • Supplemental file 3 - Table S3. List of CT135 mutations detected in 55 clinical samples.
    Zipped MS Word document, 11K.