Blood, Vol. 113, Issue 15, 3461-3471, April 9, 2009

Mef2C is a lineage-restricted target of Scl/Tal1 and regulates megakaryopoiesis and B-cell homeostasis
Blood Gekas et al. 113: 3461

Supplemental materials for: Gekas et al

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Table S1. Complete blood cytometry of Mef2C decient mice (PDF, 56.1 KB) -
    Complete blood cytometry (CBC) data for blood parameters of young (1–3 months) and older (6–12 months) VavCre+Mef2Cfl∕fl and age-matched littermate control mice. The table is grouped for platelet, erythroid and leykocyte compartments. PLT; platelet count, MPV; mean platelet volume, PDW; platelet distribution width, RBC; red blood cell count, MCV; mean corpuscular volume, HB, hemoglobin, HCT; hematocrit, MCH; mean corpuscular hemoglobin, MCHC; mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, RDW; red cell distribution width, WBC, white blood cell count, NE; neutrophil, LY; lymphoid, MO; monocyte, EO; eosinophil, BA; basophil.

  • Figure S1. FACS analysis of hematopoietic lineages in peripheral blood and spleen (JPG, 159 KB) -
    (A–C) Representative plots show frequencies of Gr1/Mac1 myeloid cells, CD4/CD8 T cells and B220+IgM+ B cells in young (1–3 month; mo) and older (6–12) mice. Gated populations are Gr1+Mac1+ granulocytes, Mac1+ monocytes, CD4+ T-helper cells and CD8a+ cytotoxic T cells. (A) A slight increase in Gr1+Mac1+ granulocytes was observed in older but not in young VavCre+Mef2Cfl∕fl mice. (B) T-lymphoid development is not impaired in the absence of Mef2C. (C) FACS analysis of whole blood showed a slight reduction in the frequency of circulating B220+IgM+ B cells, in both young and older VavCre+Mef2Cfl∕fl mice. (Young mice: controls, N=8; VavCre+Mef2Cfl∕fl, N=3. Older mice: controls, N=7; VavCre+Mef2Cfl∕fl, N=7). (D) Spleens from VavCre+Mef2Cfl∕fl mice were analyzed for presence of B220+IgM+ B cells. Despite loss of B-cell subsets in bone marrow seen in older mice, spleen B-lymphopoiesis occurs at comparable levels to age-matched littermates (N=3). Values represent mean frequencies ± SD.