Transcriptional profiling of fibroblasts from patients with mutations in MCT8 and comparative analysis with the human brain transcriptome
Supplementary Data
Supplementary Data
Files in this Data Supplement:
Supplementary Data
- Supplementary Data
Supplementary Table 8
- Supplementary Table 8
Supplementary Table 9
- Supplementary Table 9
Supplementary Table 1
- Supplementary Table 1
Supplementary Table 2
- Supplementary Table 2
Supplementary Table 3
- Supplementary Table 3
Supplementary Table 4
- Supplementary Table 4
Supplementary Table 5
- Supplementary Table 5
Supplementary Table 6
- Supplementary Table 6
Supplementary Table 7
- Supplementary Table 7
Supplementary Table 10
- Supplementary Table 10