Impacts of Inter- and Intralaboratory Variations on the Reproducibility of Microbial Community Analyses
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Pan et al. 76: 7451
Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Nested ANOVA assessing the effects of laboratory and investigator on DNA concentration and purity of DNA extracted from rice soils (Table S1) and on pmoA copy numbers in rice soils (Table S3) and of DNA concentration analysis methods and investigator on pmoA copy numbers in rice soil (Table S2), Spearman rank correlation coefficient of measured variables (Table S4), and contribution of individual probes to the dissimilarity in methanotrophic community composition in rice soil after DNA extraction (Table S5), 16S rRNA gene-based DGGE of type I and II methanotrophs from rice soil (Fig. S1), and box plots showing coefficients of variation, absorbance ratios, and QPCR data (Fig. S2).
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