Synthetic Riboswitches That Induce Gene Expression in Diverse Bacterial Species
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Topp et al. 76: 7881

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Supplemental Materials and Methods; development of riboswitch A (Fig. S1), B (Fig. S2), C (Fig. S3), and D and E (Fig. S4); dose-response profile for E. coli (Fig. S5), A. baylyi (Fig. S6), A. baumannii (Fig. S7), A. tumefaciens (Fig. S8), B. subtilis (Fig. S9), S. pyogenes (Fig. S10), and M. smegmatis (Fig. S11); activation ratios and expression levels for riboswitches A to E in E. coli cells (strain MDS42) cultured at 37°C or 30°C (Fig. S12); comparison of A. tumefaciens or M. magneticum 16S rRNA pairing with the RBS of riboswitch A (Fig. S13); sequences of riboswitches A to E (Table S1); strains and plasmids used in this study (Table S2).
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