Bcl-2 proteins and autophagy regulate mitochondrial dynamics during programmed cell death in the Drosophila ovary

DEV057943 Supplementary Material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental Figure S1 -

    Fig. S1. Bcl-2 family mutants show defective cell death in mid-oogenesis. (A) A control healthy egg chamber with healthy nuclear morphology. (B) A control degenerating egg chamber in which the nurse cell nuclei have fragmented and condensed. (C) A debclE26 egg chamber showing normal degeneration. (D) A buffyH37 undead egg chamber. (E) A debclE26buffyH37 undead egg chamber. (F) A buffyH37 mutant egg chamber with the expression of a rescue construct shows normal cell death. (A-F) Egg chambers are stained with DAPI to visualize nuclear morphology. Images are projections of 16 z planes.

  • Supplemental Figure S2 -

    Fig. S2. Mitochondrial networks in mitochondrial fission and fusion mutants. (A-C) A healthy drp11 GLC egg chamber. (D-F) A healthy opa1-likeEY09863 GLC egg chamber. (G-I) Overexpression of opa1-like in a healthy egg chamber. All samples show nuclear morphology (DNA, Oligreen), mitochondrial morphology (anti-ATP synthase, red) and merge. Scale bars: 10 µm.

  • Supplemental Figure S3 -

    Fig. S3. drp1 GLC polytene chromosomes do not disperse. (A) w1118 ovariole with condensed polytene chromosomes at stage 4 and dispersed nuclei at stage 6. (B) w1118 stage 7 egg chamber. (C) drp11 GLC egg chamber. Arrowhead indicate polytene region of chromosome. Egg chambers are stained with DAPI to visualize nuclear morphology. (B,C) Images are projections of 16 z sections.