Files in this Data Supplement:
Supplemental Table S1, shows the nucleating and elongation rate; Supplemental Figure S1: Cu2+ only at high A�� concentration or supra-stoichometric levels will inhibits fibre formation; Supplemental Figure S2, Cu2+ accelerates Ab fibril growth; Supplemental Figure S3, Cu2+ accelerates Ab(1-42) fibril growth; Supplemental Figure S4, Cu2+ accelerates Ab fibril growth over a range of pH��s; Supplemental Figure S5, Fibril growth with Cu2+ as a Cu(Gly)2 chelate; Supplemental Figure S6, Cu2+ induced fibrils will seed fibril formation; Supplemental Fig. S7, pKa measurements of Ab histidine residues; Supplemental Fig. S8, Effect of Cu2+ concentration and pH on total fibril levels; Supplemental Figure S9, Free Cu2+ ions and Cu2+ ions bound to soluble Ab(1-16) are not cyto-toxic, Supplemental Figure S10; Cu2+-Ab(1-42) is more cyto-toxic than Ab(1-42).