Supplementary material for Thomas-Keprta et al. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98 (5), 2164–2169. (10.1073/pnas.051500898)

Supplemental Figure 5

Fig. 5.

(a1) MV-1 magnetite, »50 nm in length, viewed down the [110] zone axis. (a2) Simulated view of magnetite in a1. Intersecting {111} and {100} faces are at »125°; {111} face intersecting a {110} face is at 145°. (a3) The 2-D spatial Fourier transform calculated from the TEM image in a1. (b1) ALH84001 magnetite, »30 nm in length, extracted from Martian carbonate, viewed down [110] zone axis. This Martian magnetite is identical to MV-1 magnetite shown in a1. (b2) Simulated view of magnetite in b1. Intersecting {111} and {100} faces are at »125°; {111} face intersecting a {110} face is at 145°. (b3) The 2-D spatial Fourier transform calculated from the TEM image in b1.