function [PStrains, Labels_out]=PrinStrains_v2( xyz, T, SG, ps, th, varargin )
% PrinStrains_v2 calculates the surface principal strains from 3D strains
% tensor extrated from finite element models (FEMs) and projects them on a
% plane defined by the position and orientation of a strain gage.
% Inputs
% xyz - (Np by 3 array) 3D coordinates of the SURFACE points of the
% model to be evaluated (Np = number of points).
% T - (Nt by 3 array) Triangles IDs that define the model
% (Nt = number of triangles. Can vary among
% models).
% SG - (4 by 3 array) 3D position of the surface points that represent
% the vertices of the strain gage.
% ps - (Np by 6 array) normal and shear strains entered as row vector
% (e.g., [xx yy zz xy yz xz])
% th - (1 by 1 array) thickness of the section to estimate
% Labels_in - (Np by Nl array) cell array with the text labels for each
% brick (Nl = number of label columns)
% Output
% PStrains - (Nsg by 9 array) Principal strains for each point on the
% coordinate system defined by the position and
% orientation of the strain gage.
% The columns are:
% 1) X component of Tension unit vector
% 2) Y component of Tension unit vector
% 3) Magnitude of Tension vector
% 4) X component of Compression unit vector
% 5) Y component of Compression unit vector
% 6) Magnitude of Compression vector
% (Nsg = number of points defined by the strain
% gage).
% Labels_out - (Nsg by Nl) cell array with the text labels for the
% points defined by the strain gage.
% Examples:
% [PStrains, Labels_out] = PrinStrains_v2 (xyz, T, SG, ps, labels) ;
% PStrains = PrinStrains_v2 (xyz, T, SG, ps, labels) ;
% PStrains = PrinStrains_v2 (xyz, T, SG, ps) ;
% PrinStrains_v2 (xyz, T, SG, ps, labels) ;
% PrinStrains_v2 (xyz, T, SG, ps) ;
% Written by Jose Iriarte-Diaz & Callum Ross
% v. 2.0 (January 2010)
close all
% Data Checking
if size( xyz, 2 )~=3
error('Position matrix (xyz) must have 3 columns')
if size( T, 2 )~=3
error('Triangulation matrix (T) must have 3 columns')
if size( SG, 1 )~=4
error('Strain gage matrix (SG) must have 4 rows')
if size( SG, 2 )~=3
error('Strain gage matrix (SG) must have 3 columns')
if size( ps, 2 )~=6
error('Strain matrix must have 6 columns')
if size(xyz,1)~=size(ps,1)
error('Position and strain matrices must have equal number of rows')
if isempty( varargin )
Labels_in = [] ;
if size(varargin,2)~=1
error('Too many variables!')
Labels_in = varargin{:} ;
% Plot of original data
trimesh(T, xyz(:,1), xyz(:,2), xyz(:,3), 'edgecolor', [0.6 0.6 0.6])
axis equal; axis vis3d; hold on
plot3(SG(:,1), SG(:,2), SG(:,3) ,'or', 'markersize', 5, ...
title( 'Original position and orientation' )
%center the data on origin
xyz1 = xyz - repmat( SG(1,:), size( xyz, 1 ), 1 ) ;
SG1 = SG - repmat( SG(1,:), 4, 1 ) ;
set( figure(2), 'WindowStyle', 'docked' )
trimesh( T, xyz1(:,1), xyz1(:,2), xyz1(:,3), 'edgecolor', [0.6 0.6 0.6] )
hold on; axis equal; axis vis3d
plot3( SG1(:,1), SG1(:,2), SG1(:,3), 'or', 'markersize', 5, ...
title( 'Centered model' )
% creation of the new coordinate system
p1 = SG1(2,:); p2 = SG1(3,:);
Ax1 = p1 ./ vecmag(p1) ;
ax2 = p2 ./ vecmag(p2) ;
Ax3 = cross( Ax1, ax2 ) ;
Ax3 = Ax3 ./ vecmag(Ax3) ;
Ax2 = cross( Ax3, Ax1 ) ;
Ax2 = Ax2 ./ vecmag(Ax2) ;
Ax = [ Ax1 ; Ax2 ; Ax3 ] ;
% check the axis position and orientation
xLim = diff(get(gca,'xlim')) ;
yLim = diff(get(gca,'ylim')) ;
zLim = diff(get(gca,'zlim')) ;
diagDist = norm([xLim yLim zLim]) ;
scale = diagDist/10 ;
arrow3( zeros(3,3), Ax*scale, 'o' )
% rotation of data
xyz2 = ( Ax * xyz1' )' ;
SG2 = ( Ax * SG1' )' ;
Ax2 = ( Ax * Ax' )' ;
set( figure(3), 'WindowStyle', 'docked')
trimesh( T, xyz2(:,1), xyz2(:,2), xyz2(:,3), 'edgecolor', [0.6 0.6 0.6] ,...
'facecolor',[1 1 1],'facealpha',0.4) ;
hold on; axis equal
plot3( SG2(:,1), SG2(:,2), SG2(:,3), 'or' ,'markersize', 5, ...
arrow3( zeros(3,3), Ax2*scale, 'o')
title( 'Rotated model' )
% determination of the points inside of the polygon that define the
% vertices of the strain gage
IN = inhull( xyz2(:,1:2), SG2(:,1:2) ) ;
% find plane of the strain gage only
xyz3 = xyz2( IN,: ) ;
ps_in = ps(IN,:) ;
xyz4 = xyz3( (xyz3(:,3)>-th) & (xyz3(:,3)
-th) & (xyz3(:,3) | -th) & (xyz3(:,3) | abs(v(3))
isInverted = CompressionDir(:,1)<0 ;
CompressionDir( isInverted,: ) = -CompressionDir( isInverted,: ) ;
isInverted = CompressionDir(:,2)<0 ;
CompressionDir( isInverted,: ) = -CompressionDir( isInverted,: ) ;
% for tension
[v,v,v] = svd( TensionDir(isNotNaN,1:2) ) ;
if abs(v(1))>abs(v(2))
isInverted = TensionDir(:,1)<0 ;
TensionDir( isInverted,: ) = -TensionDir( isInverted,: ) ;
isInverted = TensionDir(:,2)<0 ;
TensionDir( isInverted,: ) = -TensionDir( isInverted,: ) ;
% end
% Tension and Compression vectors
TensionVector = TensionDir.*repmat(TensionMag, 1, 3) ;
CompressionVector = CompressionDir.*repmat(CompressionMag, 1, 3) ;
% mean principal strains magnitudes
TensionMeanMag = nanmean( TensionMag ) ;
CompressionMeanMag = nanmean( CompressionMag ) ;
% mean principal strains vectors
TensionMeanVector = nanmean( TensionDir, 1 ) .* TensionMeanMag ;
CompressionMeanVector = nanmean( CompressionDir, 1 ) .* CompressionMeanMag ;
% plot principal strains on the strain gage coordinate system
% data rotation
xyz5 = ( AxesR * xyz1' )' ;
xyz6 = ( sgAxModel * xyz4' )' ;
SGplot = ( AxesR * SG1' )' ;
set( figure(5), 'WindowStyle', 'docked')
% plot model
h1 = trisurf( T, xyz5(:,1), xyz5(:,2), xyz5(:,3),...
'edgecolor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'facecolor',[1 1 1]) ;
axis equal; axis vis3d; hold on
'ok','markerfacecolor','k') ;
% plot of principal strains
xLim = diff(get(gca,'xlim')) ;
yLim = diff(get(gca,'ylim')) ;
Lim = min([xLim yLim]) ;
maxVector = max( max( abs( [TensionMag CompressionMag] ) ) ) ;
scale = Lim / (3 * maxVector) ;
z0 = max(xyz5(:,3)) ;
Tplot = TensionVector .* scale ;
Cplot = CompressionVector .* scale ;
'autoscale','off','color','r') ;
'autoscale','off','color','r') ;
'autoscale','off','color','b') ;
'autoscale','off','color','b') ;
title( { sprintf( 'Mean Tension: %2.5e \\mu\\epsilon', TensionMeanMag ) ; ...
sprintf( 'Mean Compression: %2.5e \\mu\\epsilon', CompressionMeanMag ) } ) ;
% Data export
PStrains = [TensionDir(:,1:2) TensionMag CompressionDir(:,1:2) CompressionMag] ;
Labels_out = Labels ;
doSave = questdlg( 'Do you want to save the results as a text file?',...
'', 'Yes', 'No' ,'No' ) ;
switch doSave
case 'Yes'
[File, Path] = uiputfile( '*.txt', 'Save as') ;
nLabelsCol = size( Labels, 2 ) ;
strformat1 = [repmat(' ,',1,nLabelsCol) 'TensionDir_X,TensionDir_Y,TensionMag,CompressionDir_X,CompressionDir_Y,CompressionMag\n'];
strformat2 = [repmat('%s,',1,nLabelsCol) repmat('%6.8f,',1,5) '%6.8f\n'] ;
if ~isempty( Labels )
if ~iscellstr( Labels ) ;
if ~iscell( Labels )
if ischar( Labels )
Labels = cellstr(Labels) ;
Labels = cellstr( num2str(Labels) ) ;
Labels = cellfun( @numstr, Labels, 'UniformOutput', 0 ) ;
exportMatrix = [Labels num2cell(PStrains)]' ;
exportMatrix = num2cell(PStrains)' ;
fid = fopen( [Path File], 'w' ) ;
fprintf( fid, strformat1 ) ;
fprintf( fid, strformat2, exportMatrix{:} ) ;
% end of function
% beginning of subfunctions %
function projPts = projPointPlane(Points, pointInPlane, normalPlane)
% projPointPlane returns the projection of points on a plane
% PT2 = PROJECTEDPOINT(Points, pointInPlane, normalPlane).
% Compute the (orthogonal) projection of 'Points' onto the line
% 'normalPlane'.
% 'Points' is a [N*3] array, 'pointInPlane' is a [N*3] array, and
% 'normalPlane' is a [N*9] array
% Result 'projPoints' is a [N*3] array, containing coordinates of
% orthogonal projections of 'Points' onto planes 'normalPlane'.
% Modified from routines of the GEOM3D library (Author: David Legland)
nPoints = size(Points,1) ;
Line = [Points repmat(normalPlane, nPoints, 1)];
normalPlane = repmat( normalPlane, nPoints, 1 ) ;
% test if line and plane are parallel
if abs(dot(normalPlane, Line(:,4:6), 2))<1e-14
projPts = [NaN NaN NaN];
% difference between origins of plane and line
dp = repmat( pointInPlane, nPoints, 1 ) - Line(:,1:3);
% relative position of intersection on line
t = dot( normalPlane, dp, 2 ) / dot( normalPlane, Line(:,4:6), 2 );
% compute coord of intersection point
projPts = Line(:,1:3) + t*Line(:,4:6);
function [magnitude]=vecmag(x)
% function to calculate the magnitude of a vector x
% x can be either a [N*2] or a [N*3] array of row vectors
if size(x,2)==3
magnitude = sqrt( x(:,1).^2 + x(:,2).^2 + x(:,3).^2 ) ;
elseif size(x,2)==2
magnitude = sqrt( x(:,1).^2 + x(:,2).^2 ) ;
disp('error. Wrong number of columns!')
function [x0, Ax, d, normd] = lsplane(X)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% LSPLANE.M Least-squares plane (orthogonal distance
% regression).
% Version 1.0
% Obtained from
% Last amended I M Smith 27 May 2002.
% Created I M Smith 08 Mar 2002
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input
% X Array [x y z] where x = vector of x-coordinates,
% y = vector of y-coordinates and z = vector of
% z-coordinates.
% Dimension: m x 3.
% Output
% x0 Centroid of the data = point on the best-fit plane.
% Dimension: 3 x 1.
% Ax Direction cosines of the new coordinate system
% Ax = [x_axis y_axis normal_axis]
% Dimension: 3 x 3.
% [x0, a <, d, normd >] = lsplane(X)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% check number of data points
m = size(X, 1);
if m < 3
error('At least 3 data points required: ' )
% calculate centroid
x0 = mean(X)';
% form matrix A of centered points
A = [(X(:, 1) - x0(1)) (X(:, 2) - x0(2)) (X(:, 3) - x0(3))];
% calculate the SVD of A
[U, S, V] = svd(A, 0);
% find the smallest singular value in S and extract from V the
% corresponding right singular vector
[s, i] = sort(diag(S),'descend');
ax1 = V(:,i(1)) ;
ax2 = V(:,i(2)) ;
ax3 = V(:,i(3)) ;
Ax = [ax1 ax2 ax3] ;
% calculate residual distances, if required
if nargout > 2
d = U(:, i)*s;
normd = norm(d);
function [Magnitude,Direction] = PrincStrainCalculator (S,Rm)
% This functions employ a rotation matrix (Rm) to
% (i) create a strain tensor (e) from vectors entered as XX,YY,ZZ,XY,YZ,XZ
% (ii) perform a transformation of the strains from xyz to x'y'z' coord
% system to create a tensor called (eprime)
% (iii) calculate principal strains (D) and (V) from (eprime)
% Arguments (INPUT)
% S - 1 by 6 raw vector with normal and shear strains entered as
% [XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, XZ]
% Rm - 3 by 3 array with the rotation matrix (i.e., direction cosines
% matrix)
% Arguments (OUTPUT)
% Magnitude - 3 by 1 array of the magnitude of the Principal
% strains (PS), which corresponds to the eigenvalues of
% the rotated strain tensor
% Direction - 3 by 3 array of the direction of the principal
% strains [e.g., direction of 1st PS = Direction(:,1) ]
% RotStrainTensor - 3 by 3 array with the resultant strain tensor after
% rotation
% Note that this uses the strain transformation method of Ameen: i.e.,
% the shear strains are divided by 2.
% Written by Callum F. Ross.
e = [ S(1) S(4)/2 S(6)/2 ; ...
S(4)/2 S(2) S(5)/2 ; ...
S(6)/2 S(5)/2 S(3) ] ;
% transforms strain tensor to new coordinate system
% using the direction cosine matrix Rm
e1 = Rm * e * Rm';
eprime = zeros(3,3) ;
eprime(1:2,1:2) = e1(1:2,1:2) ;
% calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors (principal strains) in new
% coordinate system
[V,D] = eig(eprime) ;
if sum( sign( diag(D) ) )~=0
Magnitude = nan(3,1) ;
Direction = nan(3,3) ;
[Magnitude, ind] = sort( diag(D), 'descend' ) ;
Direction = V(:, ind) ;
isRightHanded = dot(Direction(:,3),...
cross(Direction(:,1),Direction(:,2))) ;
if round(isRightHanded)==-1
Direction(:,3) = -Direction(:,3) ;
Direction = Direction' ;
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