PCR Diagnosis of Invasive Candidiasis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
J. Clin. Microbiol. Avni et al. 49: 665

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Tables S1 (QUADAS items assessed, adapted for the current review), S2 (Study characteristics), and S3 and S4 (Study design and methods according to QUADAS) and Fig. S1 (Study flow), S2 (QUADAS methodological assessment results), S3 (Sensitivity and specificity for TP level I patients versus TN at-risk patients), S4 (HSROC curves for the subgroup of studies published in or after 2000), S5 (TP level I patients versus TN at-risk patients: subgroup of studies using whole blood samples, rRNA, or p450 target genes, an in vitro detection limit of <10 CFU /ml, and PCR other than Septifast), and S6 (Metaregression of colonization rates on specificity in the comparison of TP level III patients versus TN at-risk patients)
    Zipped MS Word document, 298K.