Effect of slope and sciatic nerve injury on ankle muscle recruitment and hindlimb kinematics during walking in the rat J Exp Biol Sabatier et al. 214: 1007
JEB051508 Supplementary Material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental Figure S1 - Data flow for principal components analysis (PCA) of EMG activity. The number of EMG profiles incorporated into the analyzed data set for each muscle (organized by row), and each group (intact, 4 weeks post-injury and 10 weeks post-injury) and slope (Ds, Lv and Us), is located beneath column headings. Plus signs immediately to the left of most numbers are used to indicate the addition of that number to the preceding number. The right-most value in a row (shown with an equals sign, before it) is the sum of the preceding values. For instance, there were a total of 42 Sol EMG profiles and 42 TA EMG profiles. These sums are boxed. Beneath is the sum of these values, 84. PCA was used to evaluate the relationships between all 84 EMG profiles.